Tapiana Gurudwara
Amrisar, Punjab
Gurdwara Shri Tapiana Sahib is located in the town of Khadoor Sahib, TarnTaran Distt. Here it is believed that Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with Bhai Bala Ji and Bahi Mardana Ji us...
Gurdwara Shri Tapiana Sahib is located in the town of Khadoor Sahib, TarnTaran Distt. Here it is believed that Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with Bhai Bala Ji and Bahi Mardana Ji used to sing
Shabad Kirtan. The Janam Sakhi of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was written here by Bhai Bala Ji, with the instructions of Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji. After the completion of the Janam Sakhi, Bhai Bala Ji asked Shri Guru Angad Dev JI to allow him to leave for heavenly abode, as he was very old now. Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji performed his last rites with his own hands.